
The full text  or audio file of some of the recent sermons from CBC can be found below, under the topic heading.
Click on your chosen article to download it in PDF format. 

A Servant Heart PDF file 93.1 KB
the-offence-of-the-cross.pdf pdf fILE 96.2 KB
in God we trust.pdf PDF file 99.9 KB
biblical-change.pdf PDF file 118 KB
easter-sunday-2023.pdf PDF file 116 KB
be-reconciled.pdf PDF file 102 KB
as-for-me-and-my-house.pdf PDF file 106 KB
thankfulness.pdf PDF file 109 KB
jesus-our-rescuer.pdf PDF file 91.6 KB
God's-possession.pdf PDF file 93.8 KB
purchased-by-the-blood.pdf PDF file 96.5 KB
2022 New Year Message PDF file 83.9 KB
resurrection-sunday.pdf PDF file 99.3 KB
abide-in-me.pdf PDF file 102 KB
dont-give-up.pdf PDF file 82.4 KB
warning-distraction.pdf PDF file 130 KB
being-content.pdf PDF file 106 KB
will-you-be-ready.pdf PDF file 134 KB
do-not-judge.pdf PDF file 86 KB
Emanuel-God-with-us.pdf PDF file 77.8 KB
the-danger-of-grumbling.pdf PDF file 110 KB
be-joyful.pdf PDF file 97.4 KB
Revival PDF file 144 KB
Perseverance PDF file 86.1 KB
power-of-the-tongue.pdf PDF file 83.7 KB
the-humility-of-jesus.pdf PDF file 93.3 KB
Discernment 136 KB
Hope 98.2 KB
'The blood of Christ' PDF file 90.1 KB
'Come to Me' 293 KB
consider-it-pure-joy.pdf PDF file 129 KB
The Trinity 24.8 KB
Who Was Jesus? Who Was Jesus? - (Presentation to Young Peoples Group) 511 KB
sermon-advent.pdf PDF file 66.8 KB
members-sunday-2023.pdf PDF file 104 KB
do-not-strive-a-balance.m4a Audio file 9.44 MB
church-membership.m4a Audio file 10.5 MB
forgiveness.pdf 91.8 KB
pentecost-sunday.m4a Audio 12 MB
Romans series wk 1 Introduction - Audio 15.3 MB
Romans series wk 2 Servants set apart - Audio 11.1 MB
Romans series wk 3 The gospel of God - Audio 12.7 MB
Romans series wk 4 Jesus a descendant of David - Audio 12.6 MB
Be Prepared Audio File 18.8 MB
The wilderness week 1 - why ! Audio file 13.1 MB
Romans 1 The wrath of God pt 1 Audio file 18.1 MB
Romans 1 wrath & grace (cont) Audio file 15.9 MB